Week #26: Sh'mini: "Eighth"
Weel #26 Sh'mini, "Eighth", Leviticus 9:1-11:47, Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Guide, Consecration of the priests and other regulation
Week #26: Sh'mini: "Eighth"
Week #22: Vayak'hel: "He Gathered"
Week #18: Mishpatim: "Judgments"
Week #17: Yitro: "Jethro"
Week #16: Beshalach: "When He Sent"
Week #15: Bo: "Come"
Week #9: VAYESHEV: "He Settled"
Week #6: Tol'dot: History
Week #5: Cheyei: Sarah
Week #4: Valera: He Appeared
Week #3: Lech Lecha: Go Forth
Week #2: Noach "Noah"
Week #53: Ha'azinu "Listen"
Week #52: Vayelech "He Went"
Week #51: Nitzavim "Standing"
Week #50: Ki Tavo "When You Come In"
Week #49: Ki Tetze "When You Go Forth"
Week #48: Shoftim "Judges"
Week #47: Re'eh "See"
Week #46:Ekev "Consequence"