Week #29: Acharei Mot: "After the Death"
Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Week #29 Acharei Mot After the Death, Leviticus 16:1-18:30 The weight of sin is meant to be understood
Week #29: Acharei Mot: "After the Death"
Week #26: Sh'mini: "Eighth"
WEEK #24: Vayikra: "HE CALLED"
Week #21: Ki Tisa: "When You Take"
Week #19: Terumah: "Heave Offering"
Week #17: Yitro: "Jethro"
Week #16: Beshalach: "When He Sent"
Week #14: Va'era: "I Appeared"
Week #13: Sh'mot: "Names"
Week #53: Ha'azinu "Listen"
Week #52: Vayelech "He Went"
Week #51: Nitzavim "Standing"
Week #50: Ki Tavo "When You Come In"
Week #49: Ki Tetze "When You Go Forth"
Week #48: Shoftim "Judges"
Week #47: Re'eh "See"
Week #46:Ekev "Consequence"
Week #45: Va'etchanan "I Pleaded"
Week #42-43: Mattot/Masseir "Tribes/Journeys"